Elleebalm-Lami Balm Adhesive
Introducing the ELLEEBALM – Lami Balm Adhesive ….. And the crowd goes wild!
In 2022, balms made a significant impact in the lash lift game. We witnessed numerous products gaining traction in the industry due to their advantages. However, we also noted some disadvantages experienced by users, prompting us to carefully evaluate these factors. Our dedicated product development team earnestly reviewed these aspects and worked diligently to create a perfect hybrid between what was loved about adhesives and the benefits of balms on the market.
Through extensive trials, we can confidently say this gem is the best we have seen to date. Our trainers, product testers, including Otto, have all attested to its excellence. While it may take a moment to adjust to using the balm (after years of being adhesive lovers), once they did, there was no turning back. In fact, one of our product testers gave us the following quote: “officially endorsing the ELLEEBALM as my Go-To Desert Island Product” - After all, even on a desert island, you still want your lashes to look good, right?
So, what did our team learn during their experience with the ELLEEBALM? Firstly, it requires a slightly larger amount compared to regular Elleebana Lash Lift Adhesive to perform the service. While it might feel like you’re using too much, it is crucial to apply ample product to ensure the lashes are held in place. Using too little will result in inadequate hold. However, by comparison – you don’t need to use as much of the ElleeBALM as you do other lami balms on the market, lash strength is always dependant however.